What is the Gospel?

In Jesus Christ believers are forgiven, declared righteous before God, given new life, and accepted as sons and daughters.

Isaiah’s Long Story about the Birth of Christ

Isaiah’s Long Story about the Birth of Christ Isaiah 7:1 – 9:7a parallel paper to a sermon by David H. Linden, December 9, 2018Given at Davao Covenant Reformed Church, Davao, the Philippians For a sermon the detail in this text is overwhelming, thus these notes to...

The Urgency of Justification

The Apostle Paul often included the subject of justification in his epistles.Justification has two sides; the more familiar aspect is forgiveness.

A Study on Justification

These notes are meant to parallel lectures I give on the doctrine of justification. My lectures never cover enough of this subject, so the parallel paper is intended to help fill that void and leave my hearers with something more to ponder than written notes. This is not a research paper, but a general paper. Its endnotes are not to cite sources but merely to provide help for further study.

Doctrine of Election

Coming in the back door. Another way to arrive at the Biblical doctrine of election. Read more.

Why We Should Take Jesus Christ Seriously

Two religions in some way look upon their founder as God: Buddhism and Christianity. One of them was founded by a man who said that He is God.

A Study on Justification

A Study on Justification

These notes are meant to parallel lectures I give on the doctrine of justification. My lectures never cover enough of this subject, so the parallel paper is intended to help fill that void and leave my hearers with something more to ponder than written notes. This is not a research paper, but a general paper. Its endnotes are not to cite sources but merely to provide help for further study.

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But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine.

Titus 2:1 (ESV)