David H. Linden

Short Bio    

sir-david-h-linden-and-his-wife-jennethDavid Linden is a dual citizen (US and Canada), born in New Brunswick, Canada into a Christian home where much Bible was read and many prayers made for his salvation. Everyone in his family at one time or another was in fellowship in a Plymouth Brethren assembly. He says, ‘I owe them much and deep gratitude’.

In his late teens David attended and graduated from New Brunswick Bible Institute, followed by two years at what was known as Columbia Bible College. Both experiences were formative and valuable. In those years David married Shirley Baker, who after 50 years of marriage has gone to be with the Lord. There was one more year at CBC and two living children: Julie and John.

After being a school teacher for four years, his interests in Scripture and theology took him and his family to Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. After three pastorates he was a member of Action International Ministries for 25 years. This involved much ministry to foreign students at the University of Calgary in Canada, and also some teaching visits to the Philippines. There he saw pastors struggling to take notes while seeking to follow the lectures. David determined to write papers that would put materials in their hands, not just teaching in their ears. That decision was the beginning of the many papers on this website. With all this he is also further blessed and grateful to have a Filipina wife, Jenette.

Mr. Linden lives in Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA and is a retired minister in the  Presbyterian Church in America. His chief rejoicing is that the Lord has written his name in the Book of Life.

But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine.

Titus 2:1 (ESV)