Theological Papers

List of theological papers written by Rev. David H. Linden.

Some Surprising Errors by Rev. Greg Johnson concerning the RPCES 1980 Report (Series #1)

Rev. Greg Johnson has put out a bold paper about the synod held in Seattle back in 1980. It should have some response by an elder who was there. Read more.

Greg Johnson and His Surprising Book (Series #2)

A few years ago, Rev. Greg Johnson wrote a book, the same Greg Johnson who is a pastor of a Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) congregation.

Oh, the Company We Keep! The Teaching and Influence of Dr. Wesley Hill in and on the PCA (Series #3)

Wes Hill was a plenary speaker at the Revoice Conference 2018 in the facility of a Presbyterian Church in America church. He was also in the pulpit of that church in a regular worship service.

A Homosexual Reads His Bible (Series #4)

Dr. Wesley Hill has risen to the challenge of supplying biblical reasoning for his kind of homosexuality. Before we start we need a couple of things about this gay man reading and teaching the Bible.

The Main Flaw in “Homosexual Christianity” (Series #5)

The heart is an incubator of sin, thus the heart producing sin is as sinful as the sin it produces.

A Study on Justification

A Study on Justification

These notes are meant to parallel lectures I give on the doctrine of justification. My lectures never cover enough of this subject, so the parallel paper is intended to help fill that void and leave my hearers with something more to ponder than written notes. This is not a research paper, but a general paper. Its endnotes are not to cite sources but merely to provide help for further study.

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But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine.

Titus 2:1 (ESV)